News Department
Welcome to the News department! News makes any non-fiction videos from lifestyle to hard news. We have meetings every Tuesday at 7PM in CSC 346, where we pitch videos, go over live news segments, and plan the weekly "Husky Update".
Members have a lot of freedom to explore what NUTV News means to them and we are always looking for new ideas and stories that members feel should be covered! There are various opportunities to get involved whether it is studio shoots, field work, or live streams. News videos can range from a minute long man-on-the-street interview to a 10 minute long documentary style piece, anything is possible, if it’s true, it’s news!!
Debate Nights, Weekly Studio-style Husky Updates, and more!
Debate Night
Is the ocean a soup? A hotdog a sandwich? Debate your favorite hot-topic questions at New''s debate night
Board Game Night
Bond with other NUTV members over board games and snacks in News' bi-annual Board Game Night!